FS1s Bear Hunt at BIIS based on the story; We’re Going On a Bear hunt by Micheal Rosen

4th October 2021

Children love large-scale dramatic play. It offers them an immediate route into another world and an opportunity to try out what it might be like to be somebody, or something, completely different…….so off the FS1 children set on a Bear hunt!

With this important hunt in mind, the children’s enthusiasm, imagination and creativity were fired up as they tried to tackle the obstacles that they encountered during the excursion. There was a forest to walk through, long wavy grass to go through, a wide river to splash through, quick sand to trudge through and mud, glorious mud to wade through.

The children also used the challenges to enhance their critical thinking such as making and using binoculars to try and trace the bear, cutting the long grass to feed the pets and make grass soup, making mud pies out of the mud and making swings out of the tree branches.

In the end it was great to sit around an imaginary fire and warm themselves as they were cold to the bone. The children are definitely looking forward to the next adventure.

Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate
GL Education Assessment Excellence