Year 6 Field Work

8th June 2021

Year 6 class had an amazing experience carrying out fieldwork in Geography. This was crowned with an extended piece of writing that required planning and doing risk or challenge assessment and coming up with solutions to them; choosing appropriate methods of collecting data/ evidence; presenting the data on tables, charts and graphs; analyzing and making conclusions which were meant to inform next steps.  

Task One: According to UNESCO 2020, during this Covid-19 period, the education of nearly 1.6 billion pupils in 190 countries was affected – that’s 90% of the world’s school-age children. Governments went on to enroll children to online learning and assessments. Here in Kenya, the government wishes to continue with online lessons for children especially in remote areas where accessing schools isa challenge

. You have been assigned the task of finding out if children benefited from online lessons and if the government should continue with the program. You will write a letter to the Education Cabinet Secretary, Professor George Magoha explaining to him your findings and if he should proceed with the plan.

Task two: Your school has been chosen to participate in the Going Green competition this year. For it to win, it must demonstrate the different ways it goes green which could include having more than 50 trees in the compound, a pollution-free waste disposal plan, friendship joints, variety of natural flowers, animals among other things. Your task is to write a letter to the Director of Going Green Initiative persuading him why your school should win the competition.  Remember to include all your evidence in your letter.

Fieldwork was fun especially because we had to apply our mathematical skills to do tallies, draw pie charts and make conclusions. It made us start thinking critically about issues. Loise and Nedra Yr6
I learnt new things in a fun way, I also enjoyed counting using tallies. Jacob yr 6
The tasks were interesting as well as challenging, especially the thinking that we were writing to the real CS Professor Magoha and we had to up our writing skills and analyse data keenly. MaryAlice Yr6

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Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate
GL Education Assessment Excellence