Year 9 Planning for Writing

19th May 2021

In Year 9 English, learners are learning how to ace their writing skills. Planning for writing has been the foundation of our writing where all learners go through a rigorous planning process to influence the desired outcome.

We have been exploring magazine articles; and to our amazement, the learners have come up with creative ideas. It is interesting to see the process of writing build up to shape using the carefully-planned Planning Grid.

This is why we have made the planning process an integral part of writing. The students are engaged in active background research that influences formidable writing ideas.

After planning, the next task on the learners’ dashboard was to actualise their plans. Of course, we’re aware that learners’ creative writing process can lead them to abandon some of their planned items. It is for this reason that we measure the success of their writing with strict success criteria.

For this magazine writing task, this was the set of instructions that the learners had to follow:

Use your plan to write a coherent magazine article. You can express your creativity, though your plan should be your ultimate guide. While writing, ensure that you meet the following criteria:

  • Have a catchy headline
  • Have a byline
  • Use subheadings
  • Have at least two colored pictures with captions
  • Grab the attention of the audience

You can use docs/word features to split your pages, though this is not a requirement.

Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate
GL Education Assessment Excellence